Our Privacy Policy

Turkey Exim provides Import and Export data of Turkey and 200+ other countries

This Privacy Policy describes the information that Turkey Exim collects about you, how we use and protect this information, and the choices you can make about how we use this information. This policy applies to information, including any information that can be used to identify an individual (“Personal Information”), collected about you by Turkey Exim in different methods, including via the website. Your privacy matters to us, so please get to know our privacy practices and contact us with any questions.

Collection of Personal Information

Your right to use the Website is personal to you. You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell,use or exploit for any commercial purposes, the Website or use of or access to the Website or any information or technology obtained from the Website. The contents of the Website, including, without limitation, any content, images, logos and other material are protected under India and foreign copyright, patent, trademark, and other laws of Turkey Exim.

Changes and Modifications to the Website

Personal information includes any information that you choose to provide to us as part of registering for an account. This will include information such as your name, mobile number, address, date of birth,social security number, bank account information, etc. Besides any information you may directly provide, you may give us authorization to access Personal Information from third parties.

In addition, we may also collect information when you use our products or services, such as the search queries you use, how you use the services we provide, and the types of requests you make.

Use of Personal Information

In general we will use the Personal Information that you share for the purpose for which the information was provided, for providing you with information that you have requested or may relate to your request, for informing you about services that you may be interested in, or to improve the Website and services we offer customers. Our use of your Personal Information may include, without limitation, the following:

Register you as a user and identify you when you log in.

Communicate regarding account information, wire transfers, customer service requests,marketing communications, etc. Obtain maintain, improve, and provide to you the Service and to conduct our business. Produce data analytics and reports containing anonymized summaries of Personal Information and other information that is not personal. Information (such information, “General Information”) that we share with business partners may include Personal Information that has been aggregated, anonymized and will not identify you.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Personal Information may be disclosed in limited circumstances, including, but not limited to, meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request, enforce applicable Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations, detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues, to protect and defend the rights or property of Turkey Exim, or in an emergency threatening an individual’s life, health, or security.

We rely on third-party service providers to perform a variety of services on our behalf, such as hosting our website. In doing so, we may need to share your Personal Information with them. We provide our service providers with only the Personal Information they need to perform their services and we require that they protect this information and not use it for any other purpose. We may supplement your personal information with information from third parties.

Information Transfer

Your Personal Information may be transferred to, stored, and processed in a country other than the one in which it was provided. This may include the United States. When we do so, we transfer information in compliance with applicable data protection laws. And, we take steps to protect Personal Information in whatever country it is stored in or transferred to. We have procedures and controls to help ensure this.