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Turkey Importers Database

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Extend your reach to the verified buyers from over 200+ countries with our exclusive Global companies directory. Expand your portfolio with high ROI business leads.

100% coverage on Turkish Market

Get accurate import reports of Turkey with detailed information. Find complete shipments overview with date, hs code, product description, origin country, destination country, importer name, exporter name, value, quantity, etc.

You can also avail a sample on import data of Turkey in Excel Format. A sample data will look like the one mentioned below.

Field Name Detail
Date : 3/22/2018
HS Code : 720851209019
Quantity : 2048330
Quantity Unit : Kilogram
Value($) : 1195262.01
Country of Origin : Romania
Country of Destination : Turkey
Importer : ********
Exporter : ********

Turkey Imports FY 2023-24: Stats & Figures

According to customs Turkey import data, Turkey's total import value in 2023 was recorded to be $360 billion. Compared to FY 2022, Turkey's imports declined by a marginal 1% last year. Turkey remained the 19th biggest importer globally.

Gold, Petroleum oils, Motor cars and Metal scrap were the main imports of Turkey in 2023. Turkey's most favoured destinations for these imports were mainly Russia, China and Germany.

Whereas, the latest Turkey imports statistical reports shows significant increase in imports from $28 billion in February 2024 to $30 billion in March 2024. In which, scrap metals imports were 30% more compared to previous month. Amid fluctuating global supply chains, Turkey’s imports might see significant increase.

Let’s have a look at year wise import value of Turkey.





Crude Oil


Star Rafinery


Top Turkey Imports

What is Turkey's main import?

Mineral fuels and oils were the major commodity imports of Turkey with staggering $68 billion worth during FY 2023. According to Turkey import shipment reports, Gold ($28 billion), Petroleum Oils ($20 billion), Motor Cars ($16 billion), Scrap Iron ($7.5 billion), Motor Vehicles Parts ($7.3 billion), Coal ($5.5 billion), Electrical Equipment ($4.5 billion), Aluminium ($4 billion) and Iron-Steel Articles ($3.5 billion) were the main imports of Turkey during last year.

Through our Exim GTIS portal, you can explore the latest product demand and year wise reports on most traded hs codes by price, quantity.

Explore Turkish Products Directory

Explore our exclusive Turkish products directory and perform in-depth market analysis. Access the unlimited shipment records of your desired products by hs code, price, quantity, country, buyer and supplier. Get a year wise Turkey imports list at your fingertips.

Turkey's Top 10 Import Partners

Who does Turkey import from?

Russia was the major trading partner of Turkey in 2023 representing 11% of Turkey's overall imports. As per Turkey import details report, the top 10 trading partners for turkey imports were Russia ($43 Billion), China ($41 Billion), Germany ($28 Billion), Switzerland ($19.5 Billion), United States ($15.4 Billion), Italy ($14.7 Billion), France ($12 Billion), United Arab Emirates ($11.3 Billion), Spain ($9.5 Billion) and Iraq ($7.6 Billion) during the financial year 2023-24.

During 2023. Turkey's top 10 major import partners accounted for over $201.3 billion with over 55.93% share in Turkey's total imports. Below, we had shared the chart depicting the main import partners of Turkey by percentage share. Also, you can request year wise Turkey import data by country.

Top Importers in Turkey

Turkey Buyers List

You can access the tons of shipment records of Turkish importers through our Turkey importers directory through the Turkey Exim platform.

List of Major Sea Port in Turkey

Explore Turkey Buyers List

According to the Turkey import trade data, Star Rafineri (4.91 billion USD), Ford Otomotiv (4.11 billion USD), Habas Sinai (2.55 billion USD), Turkiye Petrol Rafinerileri (2.40 billion USD) and Toyota Otomotiv (2.3 billion USD) were the top 5 Turkey import companies in 2022.

You can access the tons of shipment records of Turkish importers through our Turkey importers directory through the Turkey Exim platform.

Major Sea Ports in Turkey

Turkey Port List

The Turkish government relies on imports to sustain its domestic requirements. Turkey has advanced infrastructure, finances and supply chain structure. Turkey Import wise, the ports of Haydarpasa, Izmir, Ambarlı and Mersin are the major sea ports in Turkey. Here, we have shared some of the top sea ports in Turkey responsible for large cargo volumes year wise.

List of Major Sea Port in Turkey

Frequently Asked Question

In 2023, Turkey's imports were recorded to be $361 billion as per Turkey import customs data.
Mineral fuels and oils are the most imported items of Turkey. In 2023, Turkey’s mineral fuels and oil imports were estimated at $66 Billion.
Mineral fuels, machinery and precious stones are the major imports of Turkey.
Tukey’s majority of the imports are from Russia, China and Germany.
Shipment value wise, Turkiye oil refineries, Turkish petroleum refinery and Star rafineri are the top Turkish import companies.
In 2023, Turkey was the prominent buyer of Russian oil accounting for 18% of Russia's overall oil exports. Refined petroleum, crude petroleum, and wheat are Turkey’s major imports from Russia.
In 2023, Turkey was the prominent buyer of Russian oil accounting for 18% of Russia's overall oil exports. Refined petroleum, crude petroleum, and wheat are Turkey’s major imports from Russia.
In 2023, Turkey was the prominent buyer of Russian oil accounting for 18% of Russia's overall oil exports. Refined petroleum, crude petroleum, and wheat are Turkey’s major imports from Russia.