Turkey Export Data of Aluminum bar under HS Code 7606

Find verified Turkey export data of Aluminum bar under HS Code 7606. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Turkey. Find genuine suppliers from Turkey with Turkey shipment data of Aluminum bar under HS Code 7606. Reduce your financial risk with Turkey Aluminum bar export data under HS Code 7606. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortSupplier
3/19/2018760611910013NON-ALLOY ALUMINUM BARS 22769Kilogram57697.09N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/6/2018760691000013NON-ALLOY ALUMINUM BARS 5880Kilogram15678.91N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/6/2018760611910013NON-ALLOY ALUMINUM BARS 21952Kilogram60286.79N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/29/2018760611910013NON-ALLOY ALUMINUM BARS 17123Kilogram46315.31N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/6/2018760611910013NON-ALLOY ALUMINUM BARS 18663Kilogram52422.94N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/6/2018760611910013NON-ALLOY ALUMINUM BARS 21724Kilogram59280.22N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/29/2018760611910013NON-ALLOY ALUMINUM BARS 10835Kilogram28616.69N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/22/2018760611910013NON-ALLOY ALUMINUM BARS 10388Kilogram28892.35N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/21/2018760611910013NON-ALLOY ALUMINUM BARS 16463Kilogram43453.5N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/15/2018760611910013NON-ALLOY ALUMINUM BARS 15337Kilogram40188.27N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
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