Turkey Export Data of Aluminum sheet under HS Code 760611930011

Find verified Turkey export data of Aluminum sheet under HS Code 760611930011. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Turkey. Find genuine suppliers from Turkey with Turkey shipment data of Aluminum sheet under HS Code 760611930011. Reduce your financial risk with Turkey Aluminum sheet export data under HS Code 760611930011. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortSupplier
3/14/2018760611930011SHEETS MADE OF NON-ALLOY ALUMINUM 3862Kilogram9879.65N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/1/2018760611930011SHEETS MADE OF NON-ALLOY ALUMINUM 3130Kilogram7752.14N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/1/2018760611930011SHEETS FROM ALUMINUM NON-ALLOY 4963Kilogram12364.86N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/9/2018760611930011SHEETS FROM ALUMINUM NON-ALLOY 9482Kilogram23532.82N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/22/2018760611930011SHEETS FROM ALUMINUM NON-ALLOY 3680Kilogram9181.09N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/30/2018760611930011SHEETS FROM ALUMINUM NON-ALLOY 7926Kilogram19561.68N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/15/2018760611930011SHEETS MADE OF NON-ALLOY ALUMINUM 3805Kilogram9500.21N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/18/2018760611930011SHEETS FROM ALUMINUM NON-ALLOY 5539Kilogram13896.75N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/18/2018760611930011SHEETS FROM ALUMINUM NON-ALLOY 5564Kilogram13682.29N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
3/18/2018760611930011SHEETS FROM ALUMINUM NON-ALLOY 11611Kilogram28210.41N/AKIBAR DIS TICARET A.S.
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