Customs Turkey Export Data of Cap switch under HS Code 39 to Japan

Find the latest Customs Turkey Export Data of Cap switch under HS Code 39 to Japan. Get detailed insights into the shipment activities of top Cap switch phone suppliers from Turkey. Get genuine suppliers from Turkey and cut your production cost through our Turkey database. Establish a strong brand value in Turkey with the help of our data. Find Turkey exports to Unknown by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of unloading.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortSupplier
1/31/2024392390000000092 440-991870001400 PLASTIC CAP,092 441-991870001500 PLASTIC COVER,092 510-991870043500 PLASTIC SWITCH,092 728-991970002900 PLASTIC PLUG,094 075-991870 071500 PLASTIC COVER,099 710-882870003700 PLASTIC DISTANCE HOLDER18240UNIT0N/AÖZKAYA KALIP PLASTİKSANAYİ VE DIŞ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ
1/18/2024392290009019Reservoir Caps-Cafees Gaspery (11303-00466-000) (34032000), Reservoir Parts-Maternity Switch (Logosless) (Logosse) (11303-00001-000) (34032100), Reservoir Plip 000)(34990400),RESERVOIR COMPONENT-BUTTERNUT (11307-00571-000)(34000400),RESERVOIR COMPONENT-1/141389UNIT0N/ASİAMP CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS INDUSTRY AND TRADE JOINT STOCK COMPANY
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