Customs Turkey Export Data of Oil level under HS Code 85 to Japan

Find the latest Customs Turkey Export Data of Oil level under HS Code 85 to Japan. Get detailed insights into the shipment activities of top Oil level phone suppliers from Turkey. Get genuine suppliers from Turkey and cut your production cost through our Turkey database. Establish a strong brand value in Turkey with the help of our data. Find Turkey exports to Ukraine by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of unloading.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortSupplier
3/21/201885049018900001.05.R1.150.02 * VERTICAL OIL LEVEL SHOW. R1 L: 150MM NBR ORINGLI, 07.32375 * TAP CHANGER STAR 20KV 30A 5 POS. L: 70.07.24181 * STAGE CHANGER STAR 63A-20KV-5 POS L: 70.07.24196-B10 * STAGE CHANGER 63A-20KV-6 POS L : 70,07.24176-B10 * STAGE CHANGER DELTA 160Units2524.1N/AARES TRAFO EKIPM.SAN.VE TIC.LTD.STI.
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