Latest Turkey Ornaments Export Data to Russia 2022

Access the latest verified Turkey Ornaments export data to Russia 2022. Discover genuine Ornaments suppliers to Russia with our Turkey Ornaments suppliers database. Analyze Russia’s buyer buying behavior by monitoring their shipment activities through our Turkey Ornaments Export Shipment Data to Russia. Boost your sales with an effective data based marketing approach.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortSupplier
3/21/20189401908000190240403365 DIVA CORNER ORNAMENTS OF 114 RALL 9010 * 0240403365 DIVA CORNER ORNAMENT OF 114 RALL 9010,0181800032 BDT AYK PLST H 120 CREAM UI ASTORIA VA 48 * 0181800032 BDT AYK PLST H 120 CREAM UI ASTORIA VA 48,0210200461 LEGS Ø54X810 : 22 AYTASI * 0210200461 FOOT 6199Units3688.7N/ABELLONA MOBILYA SANAYI VE TICARET ANOMIM SIRKETI
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