Turkey Export Data of Pressure spring under HS Code 830241100019

Find verified Turkey export data of Pressure spring under HS Code 830241100019. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Turkey. Find genuine suppliers from Turkey with Turkey shipment data of Pressure spring under HS Code 830241100019. Reduce your financial risk with Turkey Pressure spring export data under HS Code 830241100019. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortSupplier
1/25/2024830241100019KB.OF.SL.216.3592.0Y.390823.00.1619*ALM SPRING PRESSURE KK 25-70 9016 (OVAL MIRROR) 7*7*105 - 7*7*90 IRON M4*60 - M4*45 SCREW A485038100UNIT0N/AİMAT AKSESUAR MARKETING AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY
1/24/2024830241100019KB.BS.SL.195.2570.M4.260705.BV.9016*ALM SPRING PRESSURE KK 25-70 9016 (OVAL MIRROR) 7*7*105 - 7*7*90 IRON M4*60 - M4*45 SCREW A485038500UNIT0N/AİMAT AKSESUAR MARKETING AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY
1/24/2024830241100019KB.BS.SL.195.2570.M4.260705.BV.9016*ALM SPRING PRESSURE KK 25-70 9016 (OVAL MIRROR) 7*7*105 - 7*7*90 IRON M4*60 - M4*45 SCREW A485038500UNIT0N/AİMAT AKSESUAR MARKETING AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY
1/24/2024830241100019KB.BS.SL.195.2570.M4.260705.BV.1461*ALM SPRING PRESSURE KK 25-70 1461 (OVAL MIRROR) 7*7*105 - 7*7*90 IRON M4*60 - M4*45 SCREW A486528125UNIT0N/AİMAT AKSESUAR MARKETING AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY
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