Turkey Export Data of Profil under HS Code 721631901019

Find verified Turkey export data of Profil under HS Code 721631901019. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Turkey. Find genuine suppliers from Turkey with Turkey shipment data of Profil under HS Code 721631901019. Reduce your financial risk with Turkey Profil export data under HS Code 721631901019. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortSupplier
3/15/2018721631901019UPN PROFILLER-HOT HADD. 5500Kilogram3193.37N/AÇAG ÇELIK DEMIR VE ÇELIK END.A.S.
3/6/2018721631901019UPN PROFILLER 6 PACKAGE 30750Kilogram17384.05Zonguldak CustomsÇAG ÇELIK DEMIR VE ÇELIK END.A.S.
3/11/2018721631901019UPN PROFILLER 34 PACKAGE 114200Kilogram65325.2Zonguldak CustomsÇAG ÇELIK DEMIR VE ÇELIK END.A.S.
3/6/2018721631901019UPN PROFILLER 4 PACKAGE 23600Kilogram13475.77Zonguldak CustomsÇAG ÇELIK DEMIR VE ÇELIK END.A.S.
3/6/2018721631901019UPN PROFILLER 2 PACKAGE 11950Kilogram6620.86Zonguldak CustomsÇAG ÇELIK DEMIR VE ÇELIK END.A.S.
3/11/2018721631901019NPU PROFILE IRON 6740Kilogram3944.68YUksekova CustomsENES GÜMRÜKLEME VE DIS TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI
3/15/2018721631901019UPN PROFILES HOT ROLLED 26620Kilogram14418.9N/AÇAG ÇELIK DEMIR VE ÇELIK END.A.S.
3/6/2018721631901019UPN PROFILLER 1 PACKAGE 6800Kilogram4129.93Zonguldak CustomsÇAG ÇELIK DEMIR VE ÇELIK END.A.S.
3/6/2018721631901019UPN PROFILLER 1 PACKAGE 3600Kilogram2035.91Zonguldak CustomsÇAG ÇELIK DEMIR VE ÇELIK END.A.S.
3/20/2018721631901019UPN PROFILES 6560Kilogram4075.78N/AÇAG ÇELIK DEMIR VE ÇELIK END.A.S.
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