Turkey Export Data of Rail car under HS Code 8413

Find verified Turkey export data of Rail car under HS Code 8413. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Turkey. Find genuine suppliers from Turkey with Turkey shipment data of Rail car under HS Code 8413. Reduce your financial risk with Turkey Rail car export data under HS Code 8413. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortSupplier
3/27/2018841391000000F00RJ01451 COMMON RAIL VALVE SET, 2418529988 PRESSURE VALVE, 1467010536 SPOOL KIT, 0928400759 MEASURING UNIT (M PROBE), 1410422001 ELEMENT BEARING, 2418750062 ROLLER CARRIER, 2418750062 SPRING VALVE, F00RJ01436 VALVE SET 2410 11766Units24061.03N/AGENCKAYA OTOMOTIV SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI
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