Customs Turkey Export Data of Raisin under HS Code 580620009000 to Japan

Find the latest Customs Turkey Export Data of Raisin under HS Code 580620009000 to Japan. Get detailed insights into the shipment activities of top Raisin phone suppliers from Turkey. Get genuine suppliers from Turkey and cut your production cost through our Turkey database. Establish a strong brand value in Turkey with the help of our data. Find Turkey exports to Unknown by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of unloading.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortSupplier
1/15/202458062000900007 W 14085 FLAT 02A7169 05G,07 W 14085 PLAIN 21A5739 04-BLACK,08 W 140100 FLAT 20A5346 M03 WHITE,08 W 140100 FLAT 21A5916 M-4 BLACK,09 W 13705 WITH RAISIN 03A333 3 06N-GOLDEN CARAMEL,09 W 13705 WITH WASHED DOWN 05C5773 XX CLODY BLUE,09 W 13705 WITH RISED 457597METRE0N/ADEVSEL Narrow WOVEN TIRE AND TEXTILE PRODUCTS INDUSTRY LIMITED COMPANY
1/15/202458062000900007 W 14085 FLAT 02A7169 05G,07 W 14085 PLAIN 21A5739 04-BLACK,08 W 140100 FLAT 20A5346 M03 WHITE,08 W 140100 FLAT 21A5916 M-4 BLACK,09 W 13705 WITH RAISIN 03A333 3 06N-GOLDEN CARAMEL,09 W 13705 WITH WASHED DOWN 05C5773 XX CLODY BLUE,09 W 13705 WITH RISED 457597METRE0N/ADEVSEL Narrow WOVEN TIRE AND TEXTILE PRODUCTS INDUSTRY LIMITED COMPANY
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