Customs Turkey Export Data of Tea under HS Code 870850990019 to Japan

Find the latest Customs Turkey Export Data of Tea under HS Code 870850990019 to Japan. Get detailed insights into the shipment activities of top Tea phone suppliers from Turkey. Get genuine suppliers from Turkey and cut your production cost through our Turkey database. Establish a strong brand value in Turkey with the help of our data. Find Turkey exports to Unknown by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of unloading.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortSupplier
1/8/2024870850990019Shaft Wait*Shaft Wait, Mackerel Repair Set*Mackerel Repair Team, Mirror Mahruti Pipe*Mirror Mahruti pipe, axle complete back*axle complete rear, hocal stavroz*Hangcal Macarosis*Complete Front Left*Axle Complete front Left, Axle Rear Right Right Right *AXL213UNIT0N/ABAŞBUĞ OTO YEDEK PARÇA SANAYİ İTHALAT İHRACAT VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ
1/24/2024870850990019Snow Mile 9 905, GRS 905 SC short, Snow Mile Team ZF 16 S 130,160,190,220 _, Snow Mile Team ZF Astronic (stamps), Snow Mile Mile Team 19-38 Actros, Snow Mile Team 19-38 Actros Rot., Snow Mile Q 292 ACTROS AQUATARDER LONG SET, POWER SHAFT Q 267 ACTROS SHOR180UNIT0N/ACTM HYDRAULIC INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY
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