Customs Turkey Import Data of Fusion under HS Code 89 from Poland

Find the latest Customs Turkey import data of Fusion under HS Code 05010000 from Poland. Get in-depth insights into the shipment activities of top buyers from Turkey. Get genuine buyers from Turkey and increase your sales through our Turkey database. Establish a strong market presence in Turkey with the help of our data. Find Turkey imports from Poland by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of loading.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortBuyer
3/27/2024890399990019BOAT HANSE H19A.22 RYCK 280 241 DE-HANZ0179A424 CHART PLOTTER AXİOM 803025694 AUDİO SYSTEM FUSION +3417755793 [MS-RA 670] ENGINE INTERFACE VV502 120825079 VVLS 120825 991 GPS ZG100 1284558791UNIT137729N/ATRİO DENİZ ARAÇLARI TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ
3/27/2024890399990019BOAT H19A.22 RYCK 280 240 DE-HANZ0178A424 CHART PLOTTER AXIOM 803025788 AUDIO SYSTEM FUSION 34096+94513 [MS-RA670] ENGINE INTERFACE VV502 120777176 VVLS 120866755 GPS ZG100 1284558791UNIT137729N/ATRİO DENİZ ARAÇLARI TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ
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