Latest Turkey Import Data of Iron coat under HS Code 870810909019

Access the latest Turkey import data of Iron coat under HS code 870810909019. Track and monitor the buyers, competitors shipment activities based on Turkey shipment data of Iron coat under HS Code 870810909019. Analyze product demand, pricing and buyer’s buying behavior through our useful data insights and boost you sales in the Turkey’s market.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortBuyer
3/14/2024870810909019Czech iron cover, louver side cover, buffer brackets, core cope, buffer grille, adapter, buffer coating, bracket, buffer ornamental bar, rear spoiler, air guide, closing element, covering, cover, guide profile, bumper bar FRONT BUMPER CONNECTION165UNIT2551N/ADOĞUŞ OTOMOTİV SERVİS VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ
3/11/2024870810909019Buffer grille, buffer coating, rear bumper cıta, front century buffer, buffer bracket, bumper holder bracket, buffer holder, buffer detection bar, bumper impact absorbent, front bumper iron, bracket, bumper connected. ,BUMPER CONNECTOR FRONT LEFT BRACKET87UNIT8217N/ASERPAR OTO SERVİS HİZMETLERİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ
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