Customs Turkey Import Data of Party item under HS Code 9905 from Turkey

Find the latest Customs Turkey import data of Party item under HS Code 05010000 from Turkey. Get in-depth insights into the shipment activities of top buyers from Turkey. Get genuine buyers from Turkey and increase your sales through our Turkey database. Establish a strong market presence in Turkey with the help of our data. Find Turkey imports from Turkey by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of loading.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortBuyer
3/12/20189905000000001 PARTY USED HOME ITEM 1Units1184.38N/AGÜNER SEN
3/21/20189905000000001 PARTY USED HOME ITEM 1Units1535.78N/AKENAN ERDINÇ
3/21/20189905000000001 PARTY USED HOME ITEM 1Units1320.14N/AYAVUZ EKREM
3/12/20189905000000001 PARTY USED HOME ITEM 1Units1128.15N/ASEMA NIEMANN
3/21/20189905000000001 PARTY USED HOME ITEM 1Units1876.26N/ASAMI ORHAN
3/20/20189905000000001 PARTY USED HOME ITEM 1Units1365.93N/AAYLIN ÇAKMAK
3/29/20189905000000001 PARTY USED HOME ITEM 1Units1690.69N/AMUHAMMED BAKI TUNCEL
3/29/20189905000000001 PARTY USED HOME ITEM 1Units2253.05N/AREMZI KARAKASLI
3/20/20189905000000001 PARTY USED HOME ITEM 1Units1706.51N/AONUR TAY
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