Customs Turkey Import Data of Wet wipes under HS Code 3401 from Germany

Find the latest Customs Turkey import data of Wet wipes under HS Code 05010000 from Germany. Get in-depth insights into the shipment activities of top buyers from Turkey. Get genuine buyers from Turkey and increase your sales through our Turkey database. Establish a strong market presence in Turkey with the help of our data. Find Turkey imports from Germany by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of loading.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortBuyer
3/13/2018340111003000WET WIPES 288Units2927.61N/APROCTER GAMBLE TÜKETIM MALLARI SAN.A.S.
3/26/2018340111003000WET WIPES 9604500 36192Units17967.75N/AJOHNSON AND JOHNSONSIHHI MALZ.SAN.VE TIC.LTD.STI.
3/29/2018340111003000WET WIPES 9604500 36192Units18302.94N/AJOHNSON AND JOHNSONSIHHI MALZ.SAN.VE TIC.LTD.STI.
3/21/2018340119001300WET WIPES-4305615095561 4800Units1322.29N/ADIRK ROSSMANN MAGAZACILIK TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI
3/21/2018340119001300WET WIPES-4305615089164 12672Units5759.09N/ADIRK ROSSMANN MAGAZACILIK TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI
3/21/2018340119001300WET WIPES-4305615392042 6048Units3785.52N/ADIRK ROSSMANN MAGAZACILIK TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI
3/21/2018340119001300WET WIPES-4305615089164 12672Units5784.89N/ADIRK ROSSMANN MAGAZACILIK TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI
3/26/2018340111003000WET WIPES 9604500 36936Units18336.29N/AJOHNSON AND JOHNSONSIHHI MALZ.SAN.VE TIC.LTD.STI.
3/21/2018340119001300WET WIPES-4305615392028 22176Units14039.01N/ADIRK ROSSMANN MAGAZACILIK TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI
3/21/2018340119001300WET WIPES-4305615392028 11088Units7059.71N/ADIRK ROSSMANN MAGAZACILIK TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI
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