Customs Turkey Import Data of Woven polyester under HS Code 520942009200 from Tunisia

Find the latest Customs Turkey import data of Woven polyester under HS Code 05010000 from Tunisia. Get in-depth insights into the shipment activities of top buyers from Turkey. Get genuine buyers from Turkey and increase your sales through our Turkey database. Establish a strong market presence in Turkey with the help of our data. Find Turkey imports from Tunisia by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of loading.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)PortBuyer
3/1/201852094200920090% COTTON 8% POLYESTER 2% ELASTAN WOVEN DENIM FABRIC * 1198 MTR 1916.8Meter Square7715.67N/AÖZAK TEKSTIL KONFEK.SAN.VE TIC. A.S.
3/1/201852094200920090% COTTON 8% POLYESTER 2% ELASTAN WOVEN DENIM FABRIC 4416 MTR 6447.36Meter Square20628.36N/AÖZAK TEKSTIL KONFEK.SAN.VE TIC. A.S.
3/20/201852094200920090% COTTON 8% POLYESTER 2% ELASTAN WOVEN DENIM FABRIC * 3655 MTR 5774.9Meter Square21290.26N/AÖZAK TEKSTIL KONFEK.SAN.VE TIC. A.S.
3/29/201852094200920090% COTTON 8% POLYESTER 2% ELASTAN WOVEN DENIM FABRIC * 8455 MTR 13358.9Meter Square41370.09N/AÖZAK TEKSTIL KONFEK.SAN.VE TIC. A.S.
3/29/201852094200920090% COTTON 8% POLYESTER 2% ELASTAN WOVEN DENIM FABRIC * 14400 MTR 22608Meter Square71428.06N/AÖZAK TEKSTIL KONFEK.SAN.VE TIC. A.S.
3/29/201852094200920090% COTTON 8% POLYESTER 2% ELASTAN WOVEN DENIM FABRIC * 11646 MTR 18400.68Meter Square56982.22N/AÖZAK TEKSTIL KONFEK.SAN.VE TIC. A.S.
3/27/201852094200920090% COTTON 8% POLYESTER 2% ELASTAN WOVEN DENIM FABRIC * 5504 MTR 8641.28Meter Square27462.46N/AÖZAK TEKSTIL KONFEK.SAN.VE TIC. A.S.
3/27/201852094200920090% COTTON 8% POLYESTER 2% ELASTAN WOVEN DENIM FABRIC * 20040 MTR 31663.2Meter Square98625.95N/AÖZAK TEKSTIL KONFEK.SAN.VE TIC. A.S.
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